Saturday 27 September 2014

The decedent gooey triple chocolate tart

So I'm all about healthy living, I eat my five a day, run, and drink plenty of water. However, for a special occasion sometimes you need a special dessert. Tonight we are off to see our good friends Ciaran and Chloe to meet their new beautiful baby daughter Orla, and a special pudding is in order! 

This is based on a brownie recipe and so it is gooey and fudgey in the centre. It is not a healthy dessert by any means, however it is divine, just make sure you do some excercise the next day! 

100g unsalted real butter, 150g milk chocolate, 150g dark chocolate, 3 large eggs, 150g White caster sugar, 1tbsp cold strong espresso coffee, 1tsp vanilla extract, 100g fine plain flour, pinch salt, 1/2tsp bicarbonate of soda, 2tbsp double cream.

Preheat your oven to 150 celcius. In a bowl set over simmering water melt the butter and 75g of each dark and milk chocolate chopped up in to small pieces. Stir to combine and set aside to cool slightly. 

In a seperare large bowl whisk the eggs, coffee, vanilla, sugar, salt and bicarbonate of soda until really frothy. Tip in the cooled chocolate mix and whisk again for a minute. Chop the remaining milk chocolate (75g) in to small chunks and add to the egg mix along with the flour. Stir until combined and tip in to a round pie dish (I used a foil one as taking this to a friends house but you can choose a pretty pie dish if at home). 

Bake on the middle shelf for 30 minutes and then leave to cool. In a small pan melt the remaining dark chocolate (75g) with the double cream and a tiny pinch of salt. Do not let this mixture simmer or boil, as soon as it gets warm take off the heat and let the chocolate gradually melt in the cream. Cool slightly and pour over the pie and spread it over the top. I like quite a rustic looking top but if you prefer you can use a spatula to smooth it to a more professional looking finish. 

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