Monday 1 September 2014

Pappardelle with truffle

I bought some gorgeous sliced truffles in Croatia, and I always have white truffle oil in the pantry, it's expensive but you only require a tiny amount to create amazing flavour. 

I made pappardelle pasta yesterday which has been hanging in my doorway drying overnight, (see yesterday's post for the recipe), so time to cook these little babies up!

It may be a gloomy Monday but that's no reason not to indulge, so here is a super simple pasta dish to put a smile on your face. 

Ingredients (2 people)
Pappardelle pasta, 1tbsp olive oil, 1tbsp butter, 1 sliced leek, handful spinach, 2tsp sliced truffles, 1tsp white truffle oil, handful of grated Parmesan cheese, salt and pepper to taste. 

Cook the parpadelle in lots of boiling salted water until just tender. 

Whilst the pasta is cooking melt the butter and oil and cook the leek, once softened add the spinach, a spoon of the pasta cooking water and seasoning, toss until the spinach has melted and the sauce emulsified.  

Drain the pasta well, add to the pan containing the sauce and on a gentle heat toss all together and cook for a further couple of minutes. 

Just before serving add the sliced truffles and toss. Transfer to warmed plates, drizzle with a teaspoon of white truffle oil and Parmesan cheese and enjoy! 

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