Monday 29 September 2014

Autumn squash salad

I bought a gorgeous little squash at the market yesterday and have been pondering what to do with it all day. My favourite dishes combine a variety of textures and flavours, this one goes one better with the use of hot and cold too! Sticky sweet hot squash straight from the oven, served on cold creamy whipped goats cheese which melts ever so slowly in the heat. Topped with zesty fresh lemony salad and crunchy seeds. It's a real autumnal treat! 

Ingredients (2 main or 4 starter)
1 small squash, olive oil, salt and pepper, 1tsp dark brown sugar, 1 lemon, 225g pack soft goats cheese, 1 tbsp double cream, 1 pack mixed leaves (mine were spinach, watercress and rocket), sprinkle of mixed seeds (mine were pumpkin, sunflower and linseed)

Preheat the oven to 200 celcius. Cut the squash in half and use a spoon to scrape out and discard the seeds. Cut the squash in to wedges, arrange on a baking tray, drizzle with oil, salt, pepper and sugar and toss well to coat. Cook in the oven, turning twice during cooking to ensure its caramelised all over, for 30 minutes. 

Whilst the squash is cooking mix the cream and goat cheese in a bowl, beating to combine until smooth. Using a spoon smear a few blobs of the goat cheese mix on to plates. 

Once the squash is cooked, dress your salad leaves using around 1 tbsp fresh lemon juice and a drizzle of olive oil to taste, season with salt and pepper. Arrange the squash on top of the goat cheese, then pile the salad leaves on top.  Sprinkle with seeds and a little finely grated lemon zest. 

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