Monday 5 May 2014

A Lasagne for love

Christian is at a stag party this weekend in Heksinki, which means he is going to come back tired, hungover and hungry. So, I thought it would be nice to make a comforting lasagne for him to tuck in to when he gets home. 

My lasagne isn't as traditional as some Italians might like, it is inspired by one I had in Milan which was spiked with chilli and is my absolute favourite version, my friend Matt once told me this was the best lasagne he'd ever had, it is hot, spicy and deeply rich and delicious.

Ingredients for the bolognaise
450g mince beef, 1 large red onion, 3 large tomatoes, 3 cloves garlic, 8 button mushrooms, 1 tbsp dried mixed herbs, 1 tsp chilli flakes, 1 500g box tomato passata, 0.5 cup beef stock, 1 tsp honey, salt and pepper to taste. 

Finely chop the vegetables and garlic. Fry the beef mince in a large pan on a medium heat until brown all over and then add the vegetables and cook for 5 minutes stirring occasionally. Add the garlic, passata, honey, chilli, herbs salt, pepper and stock. Leave uncovered, lower the heat and gently cook for 20 minutes stirring occasionally, until the sauce has reduced a little and it looks rich and lucious. 

Ingredients for the bechamel
2 tbsp butter, 2 tbsp plain flour, 1 pint milk (I use semi skimmed but use what suits you), 1 tsp salt, 1/2 a finely grated nutmeg.

Add the butter to a pan and melt on a medium heat, then add the flour and cook, stirring continually for a couple of minutes. 

Start to add the milk a splash at a time, continuously stirring and scraping the bottom to combine to make a smooth paste. Keep adding the milk bit by bit and you will find the paste will slowly become a thick sauce. 

Once you have a smooth sauce keep it cooking whilst stirring until it starts to boil, once it's bubbling cook for one minute more then take off the heat. Add the salt and nutmeg and set aside ready to use. 

Building the lasagne
I like to set my lasagne bowl in front of me and have my bolognaise, bechamel, some grated mature cheddar cheese and uncooked lasagne sheets in front of me. 

I put a big spoon of bolognaise in first, then a layer of pasta, breaking it in to pieces to fit the bowl and create an even layer, then a big spoon of bechamel, sprinkling of cheese, pasta, bolognaise and so forth until all of your ingredients are used up in layers. Just ensure your final layer is one of bechamel and cheese. 

Bake at 180 degrees Celsius for 45 minutes, to check the pasta is cooked inset a sharp knife, if it goes in easily it is cooked. If there is any give pop back in the oven at 10 minute increments until cooked thoroughly. If the top ever starts to get too brown loosely cover with foil. 

Once cooked take out the oven, cover with foil and leave for 15 minutes before eating. Serve with a crisp green salad or some crusty garlic bread to mop up the juices. 

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