Saturday 10 May 2014

Lemon posset

Lemon posset is so unbelievably delicious, it is creamy and sharp and reminds me of summer. 

Simply bring 2 pints of double cream to the boil, simmer for 3 minutes, take off the heat to cool slightly and then whisk in the finely grated zest of 2 large (or 3 small) lemons and their sieved juice. 

Spoon in to glasses or bowls and set in the fridge. 

I often serve this with shortbread biscuits on the side, or perhaps some fresh raspberries, but you could also crumble the shortbread on to a plate, add a cornel of the posset sitting on top and serve with some raspberry sauce and fresh summer fruits. It is also great made with a mix of orange and lemon zest and juice.

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