Tuesday 1 April 2014

Lovely leftovers

I hate waste, of any kind, pretty much any leftovers from last nights dinner can be revamped in to a delicious ensemble fit for any table. I'm well known for making the Sunday roast last at least 3 days, and veggie options shouldn't be overlooked either. 

There used to be a great little restaurant in London's Soho that did the best bean burgers I've ever had, unfortunately it's long gone, but this is my homage to that little place, using last nights leftover quiona. 

If you want to make this recipe from scratch simply cook quiona according to pack instructions and leave to cool before you start. This makes around 4 burgers. 

1/4 courgette, 1/4 red bell pepper, 1/2 red onion - all finely cubed, 1 tin red kidney beans drained, 1 cup cooked quiona, 2 tbsp defrosted peas,  2 tablespoons plain flour, 1 tsp ground ginger, 1 tsp ground cloves, salt and pepper, 2 tbsp olive oil, 

Gently fry the courgette, red pepper and onion in 1 tbsp olive oil until starting to brown. Add ginger and clove powders and stir. Leave aside to cool. 
Use a small chopper or a potato masher to mash up the kidney beans until they become a thick paste, if required add a tsp water to help the process. 
Mix the kidney bean paste and quinoa together until combined, then add the peas, cooked vegetables and salt and pepper and thoroughly combine. 
If the mix is a little sticky use a little of the flour to help it combine together. 
Divide the mix in to burger size portions and pat to shape, then gently roll in seasoned flour. Rest on a plate in the fridge for a couple of hours to firm up. 
Heat the remainder of the olive oil in a frying pan and gently fry the burgers on both sides until golden brown and hot throughout. 

You can serve these burgers in a bread bun with ketchup and fries in the traditional manner, however I like them served with a simple salad scattered with seeds, and a dressing made from 2 tbsp natural yoghurt, and 1 tsp each of soy sauce, crushed garlic, curry powder, Dijon mustard and honey, simply divine! 

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