Friday 11 April 2014

Hangover heaven

I wasn't going to post anything today because I'm hungover and just wanted to get home from work and chill out infront of the telly. However, I whipped this up from some scrag ends of veg languishing in the bottom of my fridge and it was so delicious I felt the need to share! 

This super spicy, hot, and tangy broth is the perfect hangover cure.

1/2 green pepper, 1/2 courgette, 2 small red peppers, 1 small unwaxed lemon cut in to quarters, 2 chillies, 1 clove garlic, 1 pack lean turkey mince, 1 tin cooked chickpeas drained, 1 chicken stock cube pot, 2 tsp mild curry powder, 1 tbs olive oil, 2 cups hot water, salt and pepper to taste. 

Heat the oil in a large pan, Cube the vegetables and add to the pan to gently fry. Add turkey mince and chopped garlic, lower the heat and gently fry together, stirring occasionally for 7 minutes. Add the curry powder, chilli  and lemon pieces and gently for for a minute. 

Next add the stock cube, water, salt and pepper and chickpeas and bring up to a simmer. 

Simmer for 6 minutes until all the vegetables are soft and the turkey mince is cooked through. Remove the lemon pieces and serve hot and steaming. 

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