Wednesday 10 April 2013

By Jessica
My husband‘s father was a Scotsman. Scotsman generally love a wee dram of the hot stuff, as does my husband.  So when a friend of ours got married as everyone was asked to bring something for the dessert table Christian jumped at the chance to seize his heritage and make Atholl Brose for the bride and groom, this is his version of the oaty Scottish

Atholl Brose
Ingredients:  4 cups of porridge oats, ½ a litre of whisky, 2 cups of double cream, ½ a jar of honey (heather honey is deal but normal honey will do)

The mix Put the oats in to a container with the whisky and soak them for a week stirring occasionally and keeping a tight cover on in-between so it doesn’t evaporate.  It will go creamy looking over the course of the week. Strain the oats over a large bowl, ideally through a clean muslin cloth to really clean out all the impurities. (Save the squeezed oats in a Tupperware in the fridge I have another recipe you can use for them later!) Anyway, back to the whisky, whisk the double cream and honey in to the creamy whisky mixture. Then decant in to an empty bottle and chill in the fridge.
To serve Store in the fridge and drink within a week, it’s gorgeous for an after dinner tipple.

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