Wednesday 10 April 2013

By Jessica
January is a gloomy month, waiting to see the first signs of spring. It’s important to treat yourself to something delicious and heart-warming to put a smile on your face. So, it was on a visit to Cornwall to see the mother in law that I rediscovered the joy of scones.....and this is my best recipe for them yet!

Yummy scones (makes around 8)
Ingredients:  8 ounce (oz) self raising flour, 2oz butter, 2 oz caster sugar, pinch of salt, splash of cold milk, 1 egg, teaspoon of good quality vanilla essence.

The mix Heat your oven to 200C. Grease and gently sprinkle flour on a baking sheet and tap off the excess flour. Mix together the salt, flour, and sugar and then rub in the butter and vanilla essence until the mix forms crumbs. Use enough milk to make the mix in to a soft dough ball (add it a tablespoon at a time so you don’t over-milk).
Cut the dough in to 8 equal pieces and roll each in to a ball, squash the ball slightly and put on the baking sheet. (Or to be fancy you can use a cutter to cut proper shapes). Brush the tops with beaten egg. Bake for 15 minutes and then cool before eating!
To serve Just slightly warm is divine! It has to be with clotted cream, jam and a nice pot of tea!  

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