Tuesday 12 August 2014

The health plan

It has been a glorious summer full of sunshine and sangria, and cheese……and pasta…..and pizza…..and truffles, which is why when I stepped on my scales on Sunday I was 8lbs heavier than usual. Not great! 

Have no fear, I have a fail-safe plan which I always use when I have put on a few lbs, it's simply a healthy eating programme based around reducing the amounts of fatty and sugary foods in the diet and eating whole grains, pulses, vegetables, fruit, fish and lean meats. I ensure that I include all food groups  are included and get a large variety of fruits and vegetables in the diet. 

I have added this to a separate page as my usual blog is all about scrumptious recipes, so this will sit separately in it's own little area. However, I will be updating it daily with my meals and will reveal the weight I am losing as I go along! 

CLICK HERE to view my healthy eating plan, which is a 10 day programme.

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