Tuesday 12 August 2014

Rainbow chard with chickpeas

I picked up a bunch of gorgeous rainbow chard on the way home, and a red onion.   Now I am on my health kick, so reducing the amount of oil I am using and keeping it super fresh and healthy! 

Chickpeas are a great addition to make this vegetarian dish more filling. 

Ingredients (2 large portions or 4 small portions)
1 bunch rainbow chard,1 red onion, 1 tin chopped tomatoes, 1 tin cooked chickpeas in water, 1tsp herbs Provence, 1tsp sweet paprika, 1/2tsp dried chilli flakes, black pepper and touch of salt to taste. For a touch of glamour I drizzled a tiny drop of white truffle oil over to serve, but it's just as delicious without!

Tip the contents of both tins (including chickpea water) in to a large pan and put on a medium heat. Finely chop the red onion and add to the pan, along with the herbs and spices. Mix thoroughly and allow to simmer for 10 minutes. 

Chop the stalks of the chard in to bite size pieces and add to the pan for 5 minutes. Next chop the chard leaves in to strips and once the onion and chard stalks are soft, add the leaves, cover and simmer for 5 minutes until wilted and tender. 

Season with salt and pepper, spoon in to bowls, drizzle with a tiny drop if truffle oil (if using) and serve hot and steaming! 

I has this just as it was, and Christian had it with lots of crusty bread to mop up the juices. 

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