Tuesday 20 January 2015

Tagliatelle with mushrooms and cream cheese

It's grey, damp and miserable in London this week. Snow is forecast for tomorrow and I am craving lighter spring days with crocus flowers peeking up through the carpet of fallen leaves and the birds slowly returning to the trees. At the moment the alarm goes off with pitch black outside my curtains and by the time I've left my desk it's dark again, I feel like I've not seen the sun in weeks and I miss it. So the next best thing is heading home to a plate of sunshine inspired by a fabulous dish I had in Florence, Italy last June, if you need cheering up this is the dish for you!

Again this is for 2, but double the ingredients if you are cooking for 4.

Ingredients (2 people)
1 small red onion, 5 chestnut mushrooms, 70g soft cream cheese at room temperature, 2 cloves garlic, 300g fresh tagliatette pasta, 30g baby rocket leaves, 1/2tbsp olive oil, 1/2tbsp fresh lemon juice, salt and freshly ground black pepper to taste. 

Boil a big pan of salted water ready for the pasta. Cut the onion in to fine dice, finely slice the mushrooms and skin and crush the garlic. Heat the oil in a large pan on a medium heat and add the onions to gently sweat for 7 minutes, stirring often, until they are soft and translucent. Next add the mushrooms and garlic and cook for a further 6 minutes or so until soft. 

Add the pasta to the pan of boiling water to cook. 

Next add the cream cheese to the onion mix and gently spoon 2 tablespoons of the pasta cooking water in to the onions. Stir to combine until the cheese melts and makes a rich sauce. Season with salt and pepper and add the lemon juice. 

Next drain the pasta, add to the pan with the sauce and toss to combine for a minute or so until the pasta begins to absorb some of the sauce. Finally add the rocket and give it one final toss before serving. 

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