Tuesday 14 August 2012

By Jessica
Croatia has only really been out of war for 15 years, and isn't a member of the EU until next July, I wasn't sure what to expect from a culinary standpoint. Granted we went to the very north of Croatia,  a small town called Rovinj, opposite Venice, so I knew the food would be Italian influenced. I was delighted upon arrival to learn that Croatia is the home of the white truffle, makes stunning wines and has fantastic, simply prepared seafood and meat dishes! It's a charming place with beautiful people, dramatic sunsets and the most turquoise seas I've ever seen. 

Chicken with mushrooms and polenta (4 people)

Ingredients:  4 chicken breasts, 1 cup chestnut mushrooms chopped very finely,  1 cup of red onion chopped very finely, 1 tub mascarpone, truffle oil (if using), small bunch of thyme, salt and pepper, olive oil, large knob of butter, polenta, 2 cups of chicken stock, grated parmesan cheese, teaspoon of flour. 

The Chicken Bash out each breast with a rolling pin until it's long and thin, chill until needed. Fry the mushrooms and onions in butter until they are golden, set aside to cool. Once cooled stir the mushroom mixture in to the mascarpone and if you're using the truffle oil add a few drop of this now also. Season the mixture with chopped thyme, salt and lots of black pepper to taste. Spread equal quantities of the mixture on to each chicken breast and gently roll up the breast, secure each breast with a wooden cocktail stick. Place the breasts in to an oiled baking dish (that they fit snugly in to), dot the tops with butter, cover with foil and bake at 180 for 30 minutes or until the chicken is cooked through but still tender. Take out of the oven and leave to rest in their dish. 
The Polenta Using the packet instructions for 4 people but using chicken stock instead of water, make the polenta. This should be fairly sloppy like loose mashed potato, if it's too stiff add more hot sock to loosen it a little. Then stir in a big knob of butter, a handful of grated parmesan to taste. 
The Sauce Take the chicken out of their dish and rest them on a plate, in the bottom of the dish should be some resting juices from the chicken. Scrape all the juices and bits out of the dish in to a pan and place on the heat, add in a splash of oil and a teaspoon of flour to make a roux. Stir and cook for 1 minute and add a cup of chicken stock bit by bit stirring all the time to make a rich gravy. 
To Serve Spoon the polenta on to warm plates, top with a chicken roll (take out the cocktail sticks to serve), and spoon over some of the rich gravy. 

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